As they get older, many cats develop kidney failure. While we are not totally certain what causes this, being fed an all-dry diet definitely increases the chances of this terrible disease. Cats need moisture in their diet, and adding canned food or even feeding only canned food will help them immensely.
So what happens in kidney failure? The job of the kidneys is to filter toxins out of the blood. They also concentrate the urine and help regulate blood pressure. The kidney also makes a substance to help produce red blood cells. Signs of kidney failure may not show up until 2/3 of kidney functions is gone. These signs include increased water drinking, increased urination, dehydration, weight loss, vomiting, and weakness due to anemia. Increased blood pressure can cause blindness, often of sudden onset.
How Is Kidney Failure Treated?
Unfortunately, dialysis is not available for cats like it is for humans. We can give subcutaneous fluids to cats (under the skin) which helps to dilute the toxins in the blood but will not “clean” the blood. We can also give medications to help nausea and regulate blood pressure. However, it is just a matter of time before these methods fail and the kidneys lose their function altogether.
What Is Your Cat Feeling?
Nausea, weakness, and headache are constant and unrelenting. You will notice your cat stops grooming and wants to hide. They may lie in front of the water bowl, vomit continually, and lose their appetite altogether. Their head may hang down, and they may not want to get up. Your cat may develop seizures as a sign that the end is near.
These are signs that indicate it is time to relieve your cat of its misery. Most owners wait too long. Don’t make this mistake; please give your beloved companion a compassionate and peaceful end to his life.